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Fecha de registro: 06-30-2022
Fecha de nacimiento: January 1
Hora local: 09-13-2024 en 04:02 PM

Información sobre lainexbjt
Ingresó: 06-30-2022
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Información adicional sobre lainexbjt
Bio: Actual! Most of us have factors to boost, but we will work on it if they convey to us little by small rather than all of sudden. On the other hand, it is acceptable to organize options to the item of criticism , together with to mention some thing constructive about The instant or the connection that binds us to the other individual.

What tactics can we apply to help make a constructive criticism?
Taking into account what We have now now discussed, we will implement two tactics to make suggestions for enhancement in an correct way. The very first could be the technique of reinforcement in the shape of a sandwich. Imagine just that: a sandwich. But… what partnership can this have with constructive criticism?
Sex: Male